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How SEO Works ?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one among Digital Marketing Techniques adopted by companies to showcase their business pages which consists of products or services in the top search results of search Engines like Google , Bing , yahoo many more.
How SEO Works ?
Let us take an example assume you are a customer and you want to book a hotel so you may go to Google and you may enter a keyword called Hotels in India or hotels in hyderabad , now google may display few pages in google and as we :ie customers are lazy so we may click only the top 5 or 6 search results . the Role of SEO Expert is to push their particular hotel website to the top in google is nothing but SEO , in short taking a website to the top in search engines is SEO
As the customers are lethargic and they are not ready to go to the second page in search engines like google, the one’s that are appearing top in Google would get lot of clicks and that would lead to website traffic ( customer Acquisition ) and and this traffic from SEO would result in generating conversions in the form of leads or sale of products.
35% of the revenue that companies makes through website are through SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) Thus Digital Nest at hyderabad , India had Initiated certificate Training Course in SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ). Our Seo training Program in hyderabad which consists of both classroom and online training in hyderabad Covers the topics right from the basics of understanding the current website, design concepts of the website, understanding the SEO elements present in the site, and then fitting the right content, design and code to the website to ensure that webpages appear top in search results.
We not only teach how to implement SEO but also we offer training on Designing Blogs/ Websites in WordPress , SEO Diagnosis Tools and SEO report generation Techniques.
